At Jodhpur city seat, the BJP has brought a new face, as a shadow, with uncle Kailash Bhansali, Atul Bhansali

At Jodhpur city seat, the BJP has brought a new face, as a shadow, with uncle Kailash Bhansali, Atul Bhansali

जोधपुर शहर सीट पर भाजपा ने उतारा नया चेहरा, साए के तौर पर चाचा कैलाश भंसाली के साथ रहे हैं अतुल भंसाली

कैलाश भंसाली के विधायक पद के कार्यकाल में अतुल भंसाली साये के रूप में उनके साथ मौजूद रहे। स्वास्थ्य व बढ़ती उम्र के चलते कैलाश भंसाली खुद ही इस बार चुनाव नहीं लडऩे का मानस बना चुके थे।

जोधपुर. जोधपुर शहर विधानसभा सीट से भाजपा ने प्रत्याशी बदला है मगर परिवार नहीं। निवर्तमान विधायक कैलाश भंसाली के भतीजे अतुल भंसाली को टिकट दिया है। कैलाश भंसाली के विधायक पद के कार्यकाल में अतुल भंसाली साये के रूप में उनके साथ मौजूद रहे। स्वास्थ्य व बढ़ती उम्र के चलते कैलाश भंसाली खुद ही इस बार चुनाव नहीं लडऩे का मानस बना चुके थे। वे अपने समर्थकों व कार्यकर्ताओं के बीच इसका जिक्र करते हुए अतुल को अपना उत्तराधिकारी घोषित कर चुके थे। टिकट की दावेदारी के वक्त भी उन्होंने पार्टी आलाकमान से यही कहा था कि मुझे टिकट नहीं चाहिए मेरे भतीजे को दे दो। मेरा नेटवर्क और साख उसके काम आ जाएगी।

सीट : सामान्य
– उम्मीदवार व पार्टी : अतुल भंसाली, भाजपा
– ***** : पुरुष
– उम्र – 46
– पेशा : व्यापार
– नया चेहरा
– राजनीतिक अनुभव – नहीं
– वंशवाद – विधायक कैलाश भंसाली के भतीजे
– प्रदेश में राजनीतिक आका कौन – विधायक कैलाश भंसाली के भतीजे
– कोई आपराधिक मामला : नहीं

जमीनी कार्यकर्ता पर भरोसा जताया : अतुल
शहर विधायक कैलाश भंसाली की जगह उनके भतीजे अतुल भंसाली को टिकट मिलने पर परिजनों ने बधाई दी। अतुल भंसाली टिकट की घोषणा का इंतजार कैलाश भंसाली के शास्त्रीनगर स्थित घर पर कर रहे थे। वहीं महापौर घनश्याम ओझा के साथ कार्यकर्ताओं ने अतुल को मिठाई खिलाकर बधाई दी। अतुल ने कहा कि पार्टी ने जमीनी स्तर के कार्यकर्ता को टिकट दिया है। वे भी जीत कर दिखाएंगे।

Post By Harshwardhan Singh Bhati
Published in Patrika

India’s poverty is a child and parent of women’s role in our economy and society. But a new ambition is starting to work

India’s poverty is a child and parent of women’s role in our economy and society. But a new ambition is starting to work

A roundtable on the challenges of Indian women organised by the Harvard School of Government a few years ago at the beautifully restored Bikaner House in Delhi was predictably inconclusive on whether the problems — and solutions — lie with society or the economy. But changes in our economy (women’s access to income) and society (women’s aspirations, treatment of women and girls by men and elders, influence, beliefs about women’s potential) need simultaneous work to create a virtuous cycle. I believe this virtuous cycle needs Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Beti Swastha Badhao and Beti ko Rozgar dilao.

While a new ambition for women is starting to work, another decade of persistence (Gender 5.0) is needed to reach escape velocity.

Most people think about gender bias in terms of economics (labour-force participation and missing GDP) or interpersonal dynamics (men being insensitive to women). But gender bias is a set of interlocking dynamics with lots of well-meaning people implementing and protecting systems, practices, structures and institutions that fundamentally exclude, disenfranchise, and marginalise women. I can’t claim to understand the situation of all women, but I know politics is not an easy calling; I think many women will enjoy and relate to the chapter “On being a woman in politics” in Hillary Clinton’s recent book.

Even if there is some of what American sociologist William Ogburn calls a “cultural lag” — the mismatch between the material conditions of life which change quickly and behaviour and attitudes, which are more resistant to change — huge progress has been made. Gender 1.0 was set off by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Gender 2.0 came from Gandhiji’s recognition that the freedom movement “walked on one leg”. Gender 3.0 was votes for everybody in 1947 (some women in Switzerland only got voting in 1971). Gender 4.0 started after 2014 with schemes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Ujwala, Maternity Leave Bill, and many other initiatives. Gender 5.0 will include working on men and issues such as triple talaq, fixing our employment exchanges, more learning outcomes in schools, more formal enterprises, more apprentices, more cities, more manufacturing and macroeconomic stability.

Any agenda for women’s empowerment will not be sustainable unless women are empowered to pursue it for three reasons. First, research suggests the strongest predictor of women’s empowerment is having waged work and parents are more likely to invest in girls if there is a strong economic return to having them. Second, reservation is important to discuss — research suggests that getting women into political leadership roles changed parental aspirations for girls and even closed the gender gap in education in some states. Third, many issues for young rural males — especially in North India — likely increasingly relate to the social problems associated with skewed sex ratios.

We need to creatively design policies to counteract the market failures caused by cultural norms, for example, in designing employment exchanges we need to address lower registration by women by having information campaigns on returns to employment for women. In designing apprentice schemes, we need to require factories to invest in hostels and child care that will get women to take up apprenticeships. In reducing labour laws, we need to push harder to remove discriminatory acts like The Factories Act 1948 that prevent women from working at night. I am hopeful both productivity and culture will respond. Gender 5.0 could raise labour force participation to above 30 per cent quickly.

Tourism, education and healthcare — probably the fastest-growing areas of jobs for the next decade — hire more women for many reasons but jobs near home attract women workers. Mckinsey estimates India could add $490 billion to its GDP by 2025 by increasing female labour force participation that would add 68 million more women to the labour force. But we don’t live an economy but a society — the latest NSS round suggests that 31 per cent of women engaged in domestic work state that they would like to work for a wage. Women face significant restrictions of mobility — past Indian human development surveys suggest over 50 per cent of female respondents report needing permission to go to a Kirana store. And women working or controlling money lower rates of domestic violence.

Rajasthan is doing its part. The PM’s ambitious Beti Bachao Beti Padhao simultaneously targets the sex ratio and girl’s education; Jhunjhunu and Sikar have been recognised as two of the best performing districts nationally. Our Mukhyamantri Rajshree Yojana, started in 2016 to offer financial support for girls from birth to the completion of class 12, has benefited more than 11 lakh children. Our Mukhyamantri Hamari Betiyan Yojana offers scholarships to meritorious girls after class 10 up to Rs 2.25 lakh per year. Our Padmakshi Award started in 2017 recognises district exam toppers in Classes 8, 10 and 12 with a certificate and cash award of up to Rs 1 lakh. We have distributed more than 15,000 scooty’s for post-class 10 meritorious girl students from low-income families and 12 lakh bicycles to girl students who enter class 9. Similarly, we distribute 27,000 laptop computers every year to girl students who score 75 per cent or more in Class 8, 10 and 12. And our Menstrual Hygiene Scheme is creating awareness about the issue among women of reproductive age. And women were the obvious anchor for our flagship Bhamashah programme that pioneered direct benefit transfers in 2008.

Nelson Mandela said, “Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made, and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings”.

Gender issues are also man-made because a nation is shaped by the stories its children are told and a nation is sustained by the stories it tells itself. India is changing the stories it tells itself and its children. Persistence, courage, and continuity could create a level playing field for men and women soon.

Smt. Vasundhara Raje. (The author is Chief Minister of Rajasthan)

We’ll win 180 seats out of 200 in Rajasthan polls

We’ll win 180 seats out of 200 in Rajasthan polls

As she nears the end of her second stint as Rajasthan chief minister, Vasundhara Raje is rearing to win a third term. She spoke to Deccan Herald’s Tabeenah Anjum on Monday afternoon. Raje was confident that the BJP would return to power in the state.

DH: After four-and-a-half years in power, how many promises and projects have you completed? How has the journey been so far?

VR: Well, I think we have completed most of our promises and development projects; some are taking final shape. We came up with 12 successful projects and would like to pursue them till the last day of our government. Some prominent ones are the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) programme, the health insurance scheme Bhambhasha Yojna, Annapurna Bhandars, upgrading of ration shops with point-of-sale machines and Rs 5 lakh accident insurance for farmers. Rajasthan is number one in so many things that even in IT, it will replace Bengaluru any day!

DH: What has been your main focus in this tenure?

VR: Women, education, health and sanitation, and jobs have been my focus areas. I believe that for the development of the state, it’s important that our women are properly educated. It’s the women who can make a difference and I feel it’s our duty to strengthen them. That’s why my government came up with schemes like Rajshri Yojana, in which we gave away free bicycles and scooters to girls topping exams in government schools and colleges.

DH: If you are confident that all your development projects have taken shape, why did you feel the need to take out this 40-day Gaurav Yatra, that too when you are in power and polls are three months away?

VR: This yatra is not an election campaign. Polls are still some time away. This is my third yatra, and there has been a different purpose behind each of them. I took out Parivartan Yatra in 2003 to develop a connection with the masses of Rajasthan. As I was new to Rajasthan, I wanted to understand the place inside out, and there wasn’t any other way to do it. In 2013, the idea behind Suraj Sankalp Yatra was to check what the then Congress government was doing. This time, I am taking out this yatra to see how our schemes have changed the lives of people.

DH: After losing two Lok Sabha seats and one assembly seat in by-polls earlier this year, you said during an assembly session, “We will go to the people, work harder and win back their blessing”. Is Gaurav Yatra the way to win back disgruntled communities and regions?

VR: Not at all! We have not changed our election strategy. The yatra has nothing to do with the by-poll results. I am sure we will win back the lost seats.

DH: The Congress has said they will ask you 40 questions during your 40-day yatra. So far, they have asked three questions and alleged misuse of public money for this yatra, demolition of temples in Jaipur and corruption in the education department. What do you have to say?

VR: Instead of answering their stupid questions, I would like to put a big question mark on their four decades in power. Congress has been fooling people. I am not at all concerned what Congress believes. Rather, I am focussed on my party and work. I am not replying to any of their questions. I have better things to focus on.

DH: Rajasthan is being called ‘lynchistan’. There have been multiple lynchings by cow vigilantes. What do you have to say?

VR: It’s not right to brand Rajasthan as ‘lynchistan’, so many other things also keep happening in the world. As I said in a recent interview with a TV channel, there are so many people and so many jobs are needed to keep them occupied. I have already given 15 lakh jobs and will try to do more. It’s a social issue.

DH: What are you doing to appease farmers and other disgruntled communities ahead of polls?

VR: We rolled out the biggest farm loan waiver across 33 districts, which will benefit 29.3 lakh farmers.

DH: The Congress is working on building a grand alliance. Do you see it happening in Rajasthan?

VR: I don’t think they will succeed in doing that. There is no any history of alliance governments in Rajasthan.

DH: BJP lost two seats in recent LS bypolls in Rajasthan. How many do you think BJP will win in LS 2019?

VR: We won 25 seats out of 25 in 2014. We are hopeful of winning all 25 again in 2019.

DH: The Assembly election of 2018 is crucial for you as you continue to be the face of BJP in the state. Do you think you will return to power? How many seats are you confident of winning?

VR: When I see so many women at my public meetings, I get the hint that the people of Rajasthan want a woman chief minister once again. I don’t believe in numbers and we haven’t set any target so far. But I am hopeful that we will return to power, and BJP will win 180 seats out of 200.

(As published in